Hillsboro School Annuals 1948 - 1977
I had the pleasure of beginning my teaching career at Hillsboro High School in September 1971 teaching two classes of American History to Juniors, two classes of Civics to Freshmen, plus a few Seniors, and one class of American History to 8th graders. Mrs. Hettie Tulloss retired at the end of the school term and I was asked to take over the library, as I was the only one on staff with a certification as a school librarian.
For the school year 1972-73, I had charge of the combined elementary and high school libraries in the old study hall and, also, I taught two classes of 7th grade Tennessee History. Miss Corrinne Jones gave me her annuals when she taught Home Economics at Hillsboro High School in the 1940s and early 1950s. Years after Miss Hettie died, Randal Mahan found some of her annuals in the dump and retrieved them for posterity. Jane McKee Parham provided 1953 and Carla King Noe supplied 1955 to complete the run, along with my personal copies of 1972-1977.
I have been able to locate and scan all the annuals from the first annual in 1948 until the last in 1977. (I notice the 1963 annual is missing, so I will try to find a copy and scan it.) Sadly, after Hillsboro High School was terminated in 1977, the tradition of producing annuals each spring ended. I hope viewers of this site will enjoy these annuals as I have in scanning them for all to see.
Greetings & Salutations to all who remember Hillsboro High School
Rick Warwick, Williamson County Historian